Monday, February 16, 2009

journal entry 3: Placidus house system vs. Koch house system

Okay, so I just recognized (duh) that there are different house systems and the different house systems can change the position of your planets, etc. According to the Koch house system my north node is in the 5th house, whereas in the Placidus (which I've been using all this time, until now) it's in the 6th house. That really frustrates me. So, if there isn't one accurate house system what are we supposed to really rely on? One website said to go with what really feels more like you. Annoying. Luckily, it didn't change the nodes of my kids' charts. It did place my daughters moon in the 2nd house (which actually sounds more like her) she's very much about money and material items. She's only 9 but at age 6 or 7 she drew this picture of herself working at her desk and in her office space there was a chest full of bags of money. It's a really cute picture. We still have it. I laughed when she told me that it was money in the (many) bags. Well, she's already putting creative visualization to use.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

journal entry 2: Are you wondering about the title of the blog?

I chose "Dark as Night" because, usually dark or darkness is seen as a negative. My daughter's name, Laila, pronounced Lay-ee-lah, is Arabic and it means: dark beauty, dark as night. Darkness can be beautiful, soothing, and calming. It is at night, when darkness falls that we (well, most people) rejuvenate our bodies with sleep and rest.

journal entry 1: Intro

Hello all:

this blog is going to focus on my interests in astrology, numerology and the Tarot. Not sure in which order but I'll try to organize it so you can navigate easily.

I started studying astrology about 2 years ago when a friend of mine told me that we have more than just a Sun sign. I had to dig and that I did. That led me to numerology which, in turn, led me to the study of the symbolism of the Tarot cards. It has been interesting, frustrating and enlightening to say the least. Currently, I'm reading about how Chiron interacts with planets in the birth chart.

I am a Sagittarius (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars). Venus is in Cap, Ascendant is Cancer. My day of birth is 13/4, my life path number is 1. My day of birth associates me with the tarot card, Death. Not literal death of course, symbolic death, transformation. Oh yeah, almost forgot, my Chinese zodiac sign is the lovely tiger.

I am hoping to connect to other students of astrology, numerology and tarot so that I can bounce ideas off of you and receive feedback. I don't mind criticism either.