Monday, July 6, 2009

journal entry 4: Michael Jackson

Despite everything he did, was accused of, etc., Michael Jackson will be missed and never forgotten. I grew up listening to him. I had his posters and tapes when I was a kid. As many have already said: there will never be another Michael Jackson. He was gifted, eccentric, a work-a-holic/perfectionist. I looked up his birth chart: his Sun in Virgo, Moon in Pisces. If the birth time is accurate then his Ascendant is Libra and Midheaven is Cancer. That's a lot of water in his chart. In my own opinion, he died of a cardiac arrest caused by his use of heavy drugs. Whether it was intentional or not, we will never know. (Water dominant charts have a tendency to become easily dependent and addicted to drugs/alcohol and need to be cautious of drugs/alcohol.)
I cried when I saw the initial news coverage of the hospital. As others have already said, his death is a reminder to a generation of our own mortality. (dating myself)
He was accused of child molestation and the nation condemned him. I admit, I did too. Again, we do not know what really happened. But, his professional career is one that will probably never be surpassed. His personal life is one that parents and families must learn from, if nothing else. His father was an abusive man, that much we know.

Dear Michael, I hope you are finally at peace.